February 25, 2020, ASC LPI. A meeting was held between the specialists of ASC LPI

February 25, 2020, ASC LPI. A meeting was held between the specialists of ASC LPI (the lead contractor of the payload module for the Spektr-M project), ISS JSC (the co-executor responsible for the manufacture of the active cooling system based on closed-cycle space cryocoolers) and the representatives of the French company Air Liquide. Air Liquide is known to be one of the world manufacturers of the space cryocoolers of various temperature levels. At the meeting, the representatives of Air Liquide presented the current level of their technological readiness level for the Spektr-M based on the similar work carried out for the European Space Agency (the ATHENA project). An engineering model could be used for a number of tests within the preliminary stage of work in the Spektr-M project. According to the results of the meeting, the main steps for further actions aimed at successful interaction between the Russian and French parties in the Spektr-M project were decided.
