For the Millimetron focal plane instrument package we are clearly not aiming for a general observatory instrument complement. The selected instruments will be primarily driven by and optimized for the key science cases and we consider the additional science cases as collateral.
The objectives of the Millimetron Science Working Groups (SWG) are to define and describe the strongest science cases for the Millimetron Space Observatory (MSO) together with an associated instrument concept. One also may define and outline other important astrophysical areas where the MSO can significantly contribute, as collateral proposals but these should be elaborated only after the key science cases have been completed and they have to be scrutinised on uniqueness and added value.
The resulting outcome should be a short (5 pages) but comprehensive descriptions of the unique key science goals. These pages are to be complemented by:
a) a 1-page description of the observation mode and observing parameters like: field size, mapping modes, angular resolution, wavelength/frequency range, spectral resolution, integration times, etc,
b) a 2-page description of the instrument concept, with its requirements including sensitivity, FOV, and spectral resolution, that would deliver with the Millimetron antenna the desired observational results.
These notes, combined in a draft “red” book, will be submitted to a peer review whose recommendations will go to the Millimetron leadership. The final version of the red book will also be used for raising interest and funding from agencies, institutes and the astronomical community at large. As said, it will include the new model instrumentation package and feasibility calculations together with Millimetron’s main characteristics.